ModelCenter MBSE

ModelCenter MBSE enables Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) by integrating engineering models with SysML.

ModelCenter MBSE provides an integrated modeling and analysis capability that bridges the gap between systems engineering and domain/disciplinary engineering. This integrated capability aims to streamline the system development process by enabling collaboration among design teams for defining, designing, optimizing, and validating complex engineering systems.

CONNECT your SysML Model to Engineering Analysis

Enables users to link SysML parametric models defined in Rational Rhapsody® or MagicDraw® with multi-disciplinary analysis workflows developed in ModelCenter. ModelCenter MBSE automatically generates ModelCenter models from SysML parametric diagrams.

ModelCenter MBSE Integrated Modelling Graphic

ModelCenter MBSE provides an integrated modeling and analysis capability that bridges the gap between systems engineering and domain/disciplinary engineering.


ModelCenter MBSE automatically generates ModelCenter models from SysML parametric diagrams.

PERFORM Requirements Conformance Analysis

Provides a graphical user interface for executing the ModelCenter workflow. Analysis results can be used to check requirements conformance (unsatisfied requirements are automatically highlighted). Run trades studies to efficiently evaluate different design configurations. Upload new design configurations back into the systems model.

ModelCenter MBSE Requirements Conformance Analyzer

View requirements status using the Requirement Conformance and Analysis dashboard.

WORK in the environment of your choice

ModelCenter MBSE is accessible both from within the SysML tool (MBSE Analyzer mode) and within ModelCenter itself (MBSE Plug-In mode), allowing engineers and analysts to work in the environment that is most familiar to them.

Model Center MBSE Launch Interface

Users can launch the ModelCenter MBSE from within Rhapsody® or MagicDraw®, select one or more parametric diagrams, and then run ModelCenter in the background to check requirements compliance, perform trade-studies, visualize the results, and update the SysML model.

Contact Us!

Do you have any questions or do you want more information about ModelCenter MBSE? Contact Us! Our Experts are looking forward to helping you!

Phoenix Integration

More Information on ModelCenter and related topics can be found on the website of our partner Phoenix Integration