
Dear Sir or Madame,

a new year begins, and it brings the opportunity to leave the old behind and master new challenges, as well as to top up one's own goals. Being ready for something new is indispensable in a constantly changing world, and it offers opportunities hardly anyone imagines. We are looking forward to what is coming - the experiences, exciting projects, and personal as well as professional development. Even this newsletter brings fresh news from Software Factory. Read on!


Your Team at Software Factory

SF Products and Solutions

SF Drawing Compare for Windchill

NEW! SF Drawing Compare for PTC Windchill

Speed up and simplify the validation of drawing changes in Windchill with SF Drawing Compare. A differential drawing is automatically created during release process. All areas changed in the drawing to be released compared to the previous revision are highlighted in color. This eliminates potential sources of error from unrecognized changes. Learn more!

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TWX Navigate - SF Technical Data Package Extension

Use the SF Technical Data Package (TDP) Extension for ThingWorx Navigate to extract technical documents from Windchill and provide them to third parties - without any Windchill knowledge. Learn more about the role-based app on our website!

More Info
SF Technical Data Package Extension
Vuforia Instruct - Step Check™

Vuforia Instruct - Step Check™

Simplify step checking with the Vuforia Instruct feature - Step Check™. Step Check™ supports the user and automatically detects whether a single step has been executed correctly or not. Learn more!

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Already known?

..that from 1995-2004, Software Factory developed the system for safety monitoring and documenting the South German nuclear power plants and nuclear facilities for TÜV SÜD?
The system included modules for Plant Documentation, Operating Manuals, Safety Analyses, Modification Procedures, Periodic Inspections, Aging, Forwarding Messages, Reportable Events, Conditions, Orders and Dispositions, Deadline Tracking, Safety Regulations, Supervision of Nuclear Fuel Supply (IAEA/Euratom), Weekly Reports on Radiation Exposure, and the module Fuel Element Transports and CASTOR (CAsk for Storage and Transport Of Radioactive material) Monitoring.
Today, this system would be called a product lifecycle management PLM system and digital twin for nuclear power plants.

SF Webinars
Now also available as download

Webinar Recordings

Missed one of our SF Free Innovation or Augmented Reality (AR) for Business webinars?
No worries! New from this year, you may download our SF webinar recordings for free on our website. Learn more directly!

Webinar Recordings

SF Training Dates in 2023

Our popular SF Trainings on J-Link and Creo Toolkit, as well as Windchill, Windchill RV&S, MBSE, Vuforia and Web.Link for PTC Creo are back. Secure one of our first dates this year or contact us directly if you have individual requirements. We look forward to having you!

Dates, Registration and Contact
SF Trainings

Research Project REGULUS: DONE!

SF Research Projects

Thanks to the arc-based additive manufacturing (WAAM) of raw contours developed in the REGULUS project, the amount of metal cutting can be reduced drastically. In the process, we developed the software necessary to ensure a seamless tracking of processes and process data according to DIN SPEC 17071 for any additive manufacturing process, and generate a Digital Certificate of Conformity in accordance with DIN SPEC 9012. Learn more about the research project REGULUS!

To Research Project

Education is close to our heart

To strengthen our future, we are passionate about supporting young adults in a wide range of professions. Opportunities that Software Factory offers include student jobs, apprenticeships, internships, project work and thesis papers. Our commitment in this area has already received several awards, and we continue to do our best to foster young talent in the future!

More Info
Education at SF


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